Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture usually does not *hurt*, however occasionally you may experience some discomfort upon needle insertion – like a bug bite! Most people are very surprised to barely feel anything when needles are being inserted – sometimes not even realizing needles have been inserted. During the treatment, you may feel a variety of different sensations that are totally normal – from a vibration to an ache to a throb – but rarely specifically painful.
Does insurance cover it?
Possibly! Every plan is different, and coverage can vary greatly. We will have to contact your insurance company with your information in order to find out the specifics – whether you have any coverage, how much coverage, and whether there are any restrictions for what conditions they will cover treatments for. Furthermore, Jen is not in any insurance networks, and therefore you will need out of network benefits as well. Call or email today with your insurance information and we can find out for you!
How many treatments are necessary?
Treatment plans vary depending on a variety of different factors: history of condition, severity of condition, and your constitution, amongst others. Some people report relief immediately during/after their first session, while others may not feel a significant difference until they’ve had many sessions. Acute problems tend to require less treatments to resolve, but chronic problems tend to take much longer. You may need to start with treatments once or twice a week for a while, and eventually taper off and come in for “tune ups” here and there.
Can children get acupuncture?
Absolutely! Many children actually respond quicker to acupuncture than adults in some cases. Needle-phobic children can also benefit from options such as acupressure – which is just putting pressure onto the points but not inserting any needles. Jen also offers laser acupuncture! (Unfortunately, acupressure and laser acupuncture are typically not covered by insurance).
How do you become an acupuncturist?
Acupuncture is not federally regulated – every state has their own rules and regulations on the licensure (or lack thereof). In New Jersey, to become licensed as an acupuncturist you must have: Bachelor’s degree independent of acupuncture education, Master’s degree in acupuncture, must pass 3 NCCAOM examinations (Foundations of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture with Point Location, and Biomedicine) as well as the NJ state-administered safety and jurisprudence exam.
How does acupuncture work?
Traditionally, acupuncture is said to affect and direct the qi (the vital energy used in all bodily functions) in the body. Qi is said to help animate the body and protect it from falling into illness or pain/discomfort. A healthy person’s qi flows smoothly around the body – guiding the blood through the circulatory system, aiding in the breakdown and absorption of food through the digestive tract, and providing the energy for the body to go through the process of reproduction, amongst other important body functions. When illness or trauma to the body happens, the circulation of qi can be blocked, and thus the body is unable to do things as effectively and efficiently as it may have been. Acupuncture removes these blockages so that the qi can flow smoothly again.
Modern research has several different theories on how acupuncture works – they’ve seen acupuncture stimulate the release of neurotransmitters (which influences the immune system and antinociceptive system), create or enhance the transfer of electrical energy between normal and damaged tissues to facilitate healing, regulate homeostasis of the body, block the transmission of nociceptive signals in the dorsal horn to “block pain” and affect the autonomic nervous system.
Can acupuncture treat XYZ?
Whatever it is, probably! Acupuncture is very helpful in the treatment of both stress and pain – two things most people probably think of when it comes to wondering what acupuncture can treat. What many people may not realize is that it can be very helpful in treating other things such as insomnia, digestive problems, cancer treatment support (i.e. nausea from chemotherapy, discomfort from radiation therapy), fertility, as well as pregnancy support. Have something you aren’t sure if acupuncture can help with? Contact Jen today!